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Frequently Asked QuestionsPitanja

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are a great way to answer common questions. They provide clear answers to the most important concerns, helping users to quickly and efficiently find the information they need.

Why don't I see any Mosters?

When searching for Mosters, you should see a list of Mosters for the selected service. However, if you can't see any Mosters, it's because there are currently no Mosters available in your area.

Mosters have the flexibility to adjust their availability depending on their schedule, their area and their hourly rate. If you find yourself in this situation, try changing the Filters located in the upper right corner. By changing the filters for a specific date, time and time, you may be able to find an available Moster.

In case the application of new filters does not help in the Moster search, unfortunately, there are currently no available Mosters for the selected service according to the applied filters.

How to pay Mostera for the work done?

After Moster finishes his work, you will receive an invoice by e-mail. Your payment will be automatically charged to your credit or debit card within 24 hours of receipt of the invoice.

If your credit or debit card expires, you can add a new one within the MostApp app. The MostApp application offers exclusive payment by credit or debit payment card, and except in the case of payment of a certain part in cash with an invoice issued by Moster, Moster must not request additional payment outside the application by the user.

If Moster requests any additional fee outside the app, please contact our customer support.

Do Mosters pass personal information and criminal background checks?

Most Application DOO Belgrade as a third party requires from all service providers (Mostera) a valid identity document and checks their criminal history.

Before being given the opportunity to provide services, Mosters must obtain approval from us to be able to provide defined services on our platform.

First time using MostApp?

Don't worry, we're here to help you! Please take a look at these links to help you get started using the app.

How far in advance can I book Mostera?

You can pre-book Mostera for as many days in advance as it is available on the MostApp app (available on the AppStore and Google Play Store).

What is the Cancellation Policy?

The cancellation policy is defined to protect Moster and the user. Cancellation of the service is not possible 2 hours before the start of the scheduled service. If you want to cancel the service within this period, you need to contact customer support and in that case the service will be charged at the cost of 1 hour (one) working hour of Mostera.

Mosters schedule and schedule the services they need to perform that day and we want to protect them and save them from last-minute cancellations when the service is already scheduled.

Are Mosters licensed?

The mosters who provide services on our platform come from different spheres, including people who have free time and want to work extra in addition to their main jobs. On MostApp you can find young professionals, students, parents who have free time, experienced elderly people and many others. This is what makes MostApp interesting, because we offer help for different types of services!

We are the bridge between those who want to finish something in their home and those who have the time and knowledge to do that kind of work. If you have a specific request, please contact our customer support.

How to register as a service provider?

- Open the MostApp app on your iOS or Android device
- Presses the Start button
- Select Moster option
- Press the Register button
- Enter your name, surname, email, password and contact phone
- Comply with MostApp terms and conditions of use
- Presses the Next button
- Open the confirmation link on the email
- Select the service you want to provide on the Most app
- Add your profile photo
- Press the Confirm button

Hurray! You can now log in and use the app as a service provider using the email address and code provided during the registration process.

How to register as a user?

- Open the MostApp app on your iOS or Android device
- Presses the Start button
- Select User option
- Press the Register button
- Enter your name, surname, email, password and contact phone
- Comply with MostApp terms and conditions of use
- Presses the Next button
- Open the confirmation link on the email

Hurray! You can now log in and use the app as a user using the email address and password provided during the registration process.

Still have questions?

Contact us and we will answer all your questions within 24 hours.

General contact information

Most Application DOO Belgrade
Dr Dragoslav Popovića 3
11060 Belgrade, Serbia

Registration number: 21844586
GDP: 113317849
Activity code: 6202
Description of the activity: Consultancy activities in the field of information technology